Eternal Echoes: A Tribute to Papa Dafe's Legacy By Drake Omonode

 In the hush between realms, 'twixt here and there,

A fleeting moment, betwixt past and present air, A breath suspended, 'twixt yesterday and Today, A pause within Time, in Eternity's sway.

In this pause, a thought unfolds its wings, A musing on when, how, who fate brings. When marks the moment of somber goodbyes, How paves the path to the great beyond skies.

Who bears witness to the black-suited parade, To whom is the next in the shadows laid? Oh, Black Angel, harbinger of the old and fulfilled, Life's thief in youth and the unborn chilled.

Why, oh why, thy relentless sting? Sule's auctioned stores, Bola's looted spring, Emeka sold out ere the Dark Angel's call, Yet Dafe, the blind principal, defies the fall.

Dafe lives on, though his mortal frame's laid to rest, A legacy woven in kindness, truly blessed. His mannerisms dance in memory's light, Admonitions echo, guiding through the night.

Piousness lingers, a sacred flame, Cheerfulness resonates, a timeless name. Selflessness and compassion, a living creed, In the hearts he touched, he'll ever succeed.

Others succumb to the darkened fate, But Papa Dafe transcends, beyond death's gate. A benevolent father, in spirit, he'll thrive, Swapping realms, yet eternally alive.

Do what you must, against the Dark Angel's might, Time's not a friend, it slips into night. Conquer the shadows, in memories bind, For Papa Dafe, eternal, in our hearts enshrined.
