by Drake Omonode 

We know our wives

They are beautiful and need no tons of photos to confirm it

We know our wives

Busy as the bee they have no time to look classy, stylish or trending

They have no time for big bums, pumped chests, multiple-pierced ears, pierced nostrils, colored faces, elongated and colored hairs, and waxed eyelids

We know our wives

They fight us but never wear jean trousers to sleep

We know our wives

They put on wrappers not because they have no taste of fashion but because they were never fashionable in the first place. I guess they never had time for it

We know our wives

They are the real heads of the home, they are our brainbox and second mothers

They advise, teach, sometimes instruct and then wait for us to accent or veto it

We know our wives

They are the reasons why we are close GOD. Not attending 7am prayers can cause world war 9. Some of them even tell us to kneel down and lay hands on us

We know our wives

They may not speak Queens English but her body language is more apt than that of the Queen of the English.

We hear her voices inside our soul. With such hearing ability you can’t forget to buy bread on your way home

She speaks inside her mind and we can hear from our work station "Papa Desmond make sure you don’t come to this house empty handed"

We know our wives they don’t drag equal rights with us, they instead drag for special privileges because they are “our wives”

We know our wives

They give us peace of mind when we demand for it

We know our wives

Beneath the shouting and quarrelling they love us more than we love them, and sometimes love us more than they love themselves

Indeed we know our wives

They are few and we are few

We know them when we see them but they don’t know us when they see us

They pray for a man that doesn’t exist and end up with the best of men like us

We pet them until they become our wives because when they are in, they can’t be out. They are not part of the “divorce” generation

Please leave our wives, it is not by force to be feminist, value-free, free-spirited or globalized

Please leave “our embodiments of peace mind” for us. Stop converting them to “our girls”

Live and let our wives live. Stop depleting them for us. We want to be able to differentiate between “our wives” and “our girls” stop confusing us.


Drake Omonode
