Aso Rock of juju, devils: Precidency responds 

     Aso shake: Beyond the fabulousness and the marvelousness Ben Agande, Abuja In his article in the Guardian daily papers of October 14, 2016, the previous Special counselor to President Goodluck Jonathan on Media and Publicity, Dr Reuben Abati portrayed extraordinary things that go ahead past the style and allure of the official home and office of the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, prominently called the Aso Rock. Buhari and Aso Villa In that article titled 'The Spiritual Side of Aso Rock', Dr Abati who served as President Jonathan's representative for a long time related unusual and a few times, lamentable events that came upon individuals who work or live in the regions of the presidential Villa. Relating individual encounters and those that happened to associates while he served in the most astounding office in the land, Dr Abati gave a depressingly troubling situation of the higher otherworldly forces that tended to impact or direct the happenings in the Villa which by expansion had critical results for the nation. He wrote to a limited extent: "I can affirm that each vital officer endured one disaster or the other; it was as though you expected to yield something to stay on obligation inside that environment. From growth to cerebrum and prostrate surgery and whatever, the manor was a doctor's facility brimming with anguishing patients … "An associate once let me know that I was the most credulous individual around the place. I thought I was a splendid, savvy, proficient doing my bit and getting a charge out of the President's certainty. I illuminated it. In any case, what I got accordingly was that I was going to the estate utilizing Lux cleanser, yet that the vast majority around the place dependably washed in the morning with blood. Goat blood. Slam blood. Whatever creature blood. I contended. "He said there were people in the Villa strolling topsy turvy, go to the ground. I shouted. Everyone looked ordinary to me. In any case, I soon started to presume that I was in an interesting domain in fact. Each position change was an open door for fighting. "By similar token, every one of those our associates who used to come to work to gripe around an unavoidable demise underneath their midsections and who depended on recordings and different instruments to engage spouses (relax young men, I don't mean any damage, I am composing!), have all accomplished a re-arousing… "When Presidents commit errors, they are likely casualties of a compel higher than what we can envision. Each understudy of Aso Villa legislative issues would promptly concede that when individuals get in there, they really get to be something else. They act like they are under a spell. When you issue an all around created explanation, the general population acknowledges it wrongly." I have bountifully cited from Abati's section that is currently producing discussion. As a journalist of the Vanguard daily paper who secured presidents Olusgeun Obasanjo , Umaru Yaradua and Goodluck Jonathan, I can relate well with a portion of the more abnormal than fiction situation painted by Dr Abati. Be that as it may, past the abnormal rate, the establishment of the development of the manor itself was laid in odd conditions. As indicated by a staff of Julius Berger, the development organization that assembled the Villa, from the very day that the unearthing for what is currently known as the presidential Villa was made; it was buried in bizarre frequencies. The staff who has worked for the development organization for more than thirty years and guaranteed he was there when the main uncovering started portrayed the interesting events that denoted the initial couple of months. "When we moved in here, it was as though we were in a battle area. There were numerous rates of hardware disappointment, specialists creating weird diseases and in one especially piercing case, an exceptionally senior officer of the organization who was gotten from Germany to manage the development crumpled and passed on location while regulating the evacuating of a specific tree that challenged all endeavors to expel. Oddly, his demise conveyed a conclusion to the numerous gear disappointments that we had seen over numerous weeks" he said. Whether the peculiar rates that have been seen in the Villa are results of striking fortuitous events or handicraft of higher, mysterious profound forces is difficult to disentangle. Be that as it may, since President Ibrahim Babangida, the primary tenant of the presidential Villa left office; consequent inhabitants of the sprawling structure have offered most profound sense of being as a powerful influence for their stay in the building. From General Sani Abacha to Abdulasalami Abubakar to Olusegun Obasanjo to Umaru Yaradua down to the present tenant, Muhammadu Buhari, these inhabitants have needed to do profound purging of the place before moving in with their families and crowds of helpers. As per a security officer who served amid President Obasanjo and Yaradua's residency at the Villa, the profound purging did by the presidents contrast from one to the next, contingent upon the confidence of the tenants. "At the point when President Obasanjo came in, various godly men were gotten to ask and bless each side of the place before he moved in. At any rate that was what we found toward the evening. What happened in the night I can't tell however what I know is that, under Yaradua, diverse Mallams, some of them said to have been foreign made from Chad and Niger were acquired to scrub the place before he moved in with his family as well. Three live dairy animals and a few rams were covered at vital positions inside the estate. These are genuinely regular practices that were rehashed once in a while" he said. It is maybe these battling otherworldly star groupings among individuals of different religions that have given the Aso Rock the premonition personae that it has expected in the brains of a few. In any case, it is not illogical just passings and infections that emerge in the Aso Rock. Bizarre things happen both around evening time and day that resist consistent clarifications. For example, amid the Obasanjo administration, a tremendous python was discovered right inside the Council assemblies of the Presidential Villa where the government official chamber meeting happens. Giving a knowledge into what happened, a staff of Julius Berger which is accountable for keeping up the Presidential Villa told Saturday Vanguard a cleaner found the python directly under the table where the president seats to manage the government official board meeting while cleaning the place on a Tuesday to get ready for the Wednesday meeting. "The python was slaughtered yet the cleaner who discovered it kicked the bucket a couple of weeks after in puzzling conditions" the staff clarified. Maybe the best observers to the interesting happenings at the presidential Villa are the security work force who man each edge of the Aso Rock twenty four hours round the clock. As per a previous body watch to President Goodluck Jonathan, a lot of security men fear night obligations on account of the interesting things that happen during the evening in the Villa. "In spite of the fact that we were all intensely outfitted and prepared to swim off any sort of assault, our dread was a greater amount of the obscure powers that go up against us day by day. Some of the time, you hear bizarre voices of individuals quarreling in odd dialects yet you will never observe the general population. Once in a while, we will wake up to see blood on the ground, at the fore court of the presidential Villa. At different times, we hear the cry of infants for the duration of the night. "In one especially piercing case, we heard slamming of entryways at the president's office just to go and see that the president's office remained safely bolted. In different conditions, even after all the electrical devices and lights were killed at the president's holding up rooms, the TVs and the lights go ahead, all alone with the volume at its loudest. Being on obligation during the evening at the president's office was the most feared beat among security staff in the Villa" a body watch who worked at Aso Villa under President Jonathan said. Indeed, even individuals who go to the estate to see the president or different authorities do as such with not as much as honorable expectations. As per a previous staff of the Villa, "we see individuals with various ornaments on their body when we see suspicious practices. What's more, a portion of the general population that such special necklaces are found on were either companions of the president of exceedingly put government authorities. In such fragile circumstance, we make formal reports to our bosses and permit them manage it. In few cases, such individuals are denied access to the manor". It is not just bizarre things that go ahead in the estate. At times the president's close to home security is even debilitated by the individuals who are near him. As per one record, toward the end of a specific capacity in the instructions room contiguous the gathering chambers, the president saw an old companion was among the visitors that went by and moved to shake his hand. But instead than shake the president's hand and permit him to move to the following visitor, the guest held unto the president's hand and it took the intercession of body gatekeepers to wrest the president hand that was being held prisoner. "It was one of those on edge minutes that no body watch needs to be gotten in" a security detail who saw the occurrence told Saturday Vanguard. There is most likely a few people trust that bizarre thing happen at the Aso Villa whether they are occurrences or not. In any case, the individuals who don't have faith in superstition or figure with realms and forces would not credit odd happenings to evil presences. To them, they are insignificant incidents. Furthermore, not all staff of the Villa would promptly affirm peculiar afflictions particularly the crash of moxie. Nonetheless, as the seat of government, there are the individuals who trust that there are forces and territories that possess high places in that sprawling structure. The interface between the known and the obscure will undoubtedly have outcomes on negligible mortals. How we can gather the positive side of these fighting forces will dependably rely on upon the inhabitants. However, until further notice, the tenants and specialists of the seat of force who fear tha
