Snail Farming in Nigeria and The Secrets of Making Money 

JUN 4, 2012 by FARMSTEAD 

Snail Farming in Nigeria 

Snail Farming is one of only a handful couple of organizations any genuine minded potential business people could wander into in Nigeria or other Africa nations. 

In spite of the fact that there are more than one domesticated animals reproducing business opportunities in Nigeria and Africa, nonetheless, some of them (poultry, fish cultivating) could be capital serious. 

Here is snail cultivating, a domesticated animals business that could be kept running without breaking bank. 

Don`t misunderstand me. 

This is not to say this is a "get-rich-fast" business. 

Each business is a business. You know what that implies? Cash don`t tumble from paradise. 

In this instructional exercise, I'll be offering to you the critical things you wish to think about how to begin snail cultivating in Nigeria or Africa. 

I will clarify what snail is and some traits of snail. 

I will expound on reproducing and developing snails and snailery in Nigeria 

I will likewise give some tips about how to profit through snail cultivating in Nigeria (or somewhere else in Africa). 

Let`s begin as I will accept that you don't know anything about snail cultivating some time recently! 

Prologue to Snail Farming 

Heliciculture (or snail cultivating) is the procedure of raising area snails particularly for human utilization or use. 

There such a variety of things a snail could be utilized for, however eating snail as meat is the most ordinarily seen use, snail shell, snail ooze, snail eggs are all helpful in some different zones of life (i.e. beauty care products and so forth.). 

Species for Snail Farming 

Despite the fact that there are such a variety of types of snail: Zebra nerite snail, followed nerite snail, Sulawesi snail, Ramshorn snail, lake snail, Malaysian trumpet snail, horned narite snail, apple snail and so forth, Achatina fulica, Achatina, and Achachatina Marginata are the three regularly seen species that are best for snail cultivating in Nigeria and most places in Africa. 

Snail, however can occupy in many atmospheres and region around us, they are for the most part OK with a cool zone with much vegetation. 

Snail is viewed as a mollusk. Some of them live on the area, some on the ocean, while some live in freshwater. 

Snails are one of a kind in their tendency on account of their solid shell, drowsiness and their bisexuals nature (i.e. snails have both male and female regenerative organs) 

Since we`re living in the realm of "the solid" and "the quick", snail has numerous foes who prey on it for their nourishment. 

Rodents, feathered creatures, creatures of land and water, for example, frog and amphibians and even fish for those snail occupying marine situations are all foes (predators) of Mr./Miss snails. 

In spite of the fact that snails are bisexuals (having both male and female regenerative organs), regardless they need to mate with each other so as to prepare their eggs. 

I know this might be interesting to you. Some snails demonstration like male today and like female tomorrow. 

One month in the wake of mating, snail lays little white eggs into a tunnel in the ground or on a secured leaf, which incubate following a few weeks (3-4). 

(All these fundamental certainties are critical to you, on the off chance that you truly need to succeed in the snail cultivating business in Nigeria) 

Let`s proceed! 

Infant snail can take 1½ to 2 years to develop to adulthood and be prepared for deals. 

Best Snail Species for Nigerian Snail Farmers 

Pretty much as I expressed above, there are numerous types of snail (possibly close to 1000). 

In any case, the greater part of these snails sort are bad for snail cultivating, and actually, on the off chance that you see some snails, you might fear touching them… since it will look weird to you. 

To succeed in snail cultivating in Nigeria, we need to focus on Achatina and Archachatina Marginata. 

(Don`t be careful about these revolting organic names. You beyond any doubt know these snails). 

Archatina Achatina: 

Enormous snail 

The motivation behind why Achatina is better for snail ranchers in Nigeria is on the grounds that it becomes enormous. Truth be told, it`s more often than not alluded to as goliath Ghana snail or monster tiger land snail. 

It`s a types of huge, air-breathing area snail, a physical pulmonate gastropod (I know you abhor those words if you`re not acquainted with them. I'm sad) 

Achatina is said to be local of West Africa, some place in the middle of Liberia, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone or Nigeria (no one is certain) 

Another motivation behind why we adore this snail for snail cultivating in Nigeria is on account of it lays much eggs (more than one thousand every year) 

The last motivation behind why we adore this "fellow" is on account of it can be effectively found around you (don`t overlook it began from our landmass) 

Fundamentally the same as the above specie. Otherwise called mammoth west African snail (which means it`s "our" fellow). It can without much of a stretch be found and brought up in Nigeria and other African nations. 

Do People Buy Snail? Can I Really Make Money Through Snail Farming in Nigeria? 

Yes. More individuals are getting to be mindful of the nutritious estimations of snail. 

Snail meat contains between 37-51% protein while fish contains just around 18%, steers, 17.5% sheep, 16.4%. Simply look at the distinctions 

Iron substance of snail is around 45-59mg/kg and it`s low in fat, 0.05-0.08%. Snail contain all the amino corrosive required by man. 

As more individuals are getting mindful about the nutritious estimations of snail, the interest for snail is expanding, so is snail cultivating business. 

Who are those that can purchase snail from your snailery? 

The business sector ladies (who are the retailers), lodgings, joints and eateries and so forth. 

Presently, let`s address the topic of, 

How to bring snail up in Nigeria and profit? 

Heliciculturers (snail agriculturists) in Nigeria needs to deal with these five ranges: 

Snail House (snailery): 

Snaillery is a spot (house) where snails live. 

As I said before, snail lives easily where there is a decent vegetation. Sun and wind are treats to snail in light of the fact that unnecessary wind and sun get dried out snail. 

It`s normal to have snail agriculturists having numerous trees on their homesteads. These trees shield snails from hot sun and wind. 

You likewise need to consider the floor of your homestead. Snail develops on soil and not concrete. Snail cherishes a dirt that is not very dry or excessively waterlogged. 

The dirt of your snail homestead is vital on the grounds that snail determines calcium expected to shape its shell from the dirt, gets its water from the dirt and lays eggs on the dirt. 

The dirt for your snail cultivating must not be acidic, rather, a sandy-loamy soil with low water holding limit. 

Imagine a scenario in which where you plan to utilize is having concrete. You`ll need to put great soil on it. 

Getting a snail to bring up in Nigeria 

There are more than one approaches to get the snails expected to begin a snail cultivating in Nigeria, however some ways will be appropriate for somebody and not others, why some ways may even be awful for the soundness of the snail. 

Snail could be gotten from commercial centers, yet there is an issue with this technique. The snails at the business sector may have been presented to daylight for quite a while. With this, the snails you`re getting into your snailery are not beneficial. 

They are liable to have been got dried out. 

Snails loathe sun and drink so much water. When you keep them in a dry (or sunny) environment like business sector for quite a while, they`re not any more sound. 

Snails could likewise be gotten by getting snail`s eggs (if you`re living close to some hedge or even in the business sector). While this is conceivable, some of those eggs (particularly in the business sector) may not be prolific any more. 

On the off chance that they are okay, they could be kept in a cool spot with great vegetation and in around three weeks, they`ll be brought forth and you`ll have little snails to begin your snail cultivating business in Nigeria or somewhere else in Africa. 

The other approach to get snails is from a close-by shrubbery. You can trap them with some of their most loved sustenances; pawpaw, plantain, banana, pineapples, and so on in the event that you clear some spot at night, put some of these foods grown from the ground back in the morning, you could discover some snails. 

Attempt this procedure over and over till you have enough snails to begin your snailery. 

The above technique clearly can't work for some individuals who are living in the city. 

At that point, you need to get your snails by finding a snail rancher that`s willing to offer some snails. 

Snail predators and wellbeing 

Pretty much as fish cultivating and poultry cultivating have some difficulties, snail cultivating too has its own particular difficulties (however not as much as those of fish and poultry cultivating). 

One noteworthy test is about the adversaries of snails, the predators. 

These adversaries range from little ones like ants and termites, to the huge ones like rodents, snakes, winged animals, creatures of land and water, for example, frog and amphibians, and the greatest of all… human criminals around your snail ranch. 

To guarantee security of your snails, you may need to utilized fence or wire to confine the passageway of the greater predators, let there be no shrub near your ranch and watch out for any article that can welcome ants and some other "adversaries" into your snail ranch. 

Snail nourishments in Nigeria 

The sorts of snails we`re talking about in this instructional exercise (which are the best for snail cultivating in Nigeria), Achatina and Archachatina Marginata as a rule eat green leaves and natural products. 

You ought to include some bolsters additionally from snail nourish vendors in order to keep up a decent development. 

Snails need to eat to develop their tissues, yet not only that, they need to develop their shells (which might be the motivation behind why some figured nourishes may help your homestead). 

Leaves like cassava leaves, pawpaw leaves, okra leaves, cocoyam leaves, cabbage and lettuce leaves are all great nourishments for Mr. /Miss Snail 

Organic products like pawpaw, pears, cucumber, mango, eggplant, tomatoes are also useful for snail. 

On the off chance that you bolster your snails well, they develop well and replicate quick (every snail lays around 1000 eggs every year) 

Be business minded and begin little. 



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